
Speeking Booooooom

I will talk about Boom. In those days of recession, many people need laughing, and we often laugh by watching a comedy program. Many comedians appear on TV everyday so it is difficult for us to remenber them. Now comedy is boom in Japan.

Many comedians compete each other in entertainment world everyday. Most of comedians are funny and set the audience laughing with their jokes. They make us happy, but some comedians who plaied on active role in the entertainment world temporarily is called a single shot person. Single shot person is called "ippatuya" in Japanese. I wish they appear on TV again.

Which comedian do you like? I like Culeam sityu because they are from Kumamoto and they are smart and their talk is interesting. I think this is the best season for Hannya and ordrea. Hannya's joke is interesting. And Kanada is a nice guy so he is a popular with young people. My friend Chisako she likes Kanada very much. Kanada have come to Mitsui grean land which is in Arao, and Chisako and Hikari went to Mitsui grean land to see Kanada. They left thier home at early morning, but there were many people who come to grean land to see Kanada. ordrea is olso interesting comedians. Especially Kasuga is an unique character, so Kasuga is also popular with young people. I like Kasuga because he is a cool guy. He doesn't have sideburns now but if he has long sideburns, he will become cooler guy. I wish hannya and ordrea survive in entertainment world.

In those days of recession, many people need laughing. comedian set the audience laughing with thir jokes. I wish comedy boom continue forever.

305 words

1 件のコメント:

kumamizuotoko さんのコメント...

Thanks for posting about comedy. I love Japanese manzai groups! Thanks for the suggestions on new groups to watch abd the new word "ippatuya"!

5 APs

Mr. W.