
Speaking☆Other group idea

I discussed with Saki, Yui and Shiori. They thought to improve KGU parking. There are no KGU parking area, so many people rent parking area in Kengeki by paying 400yen, but sometimes, KGU students can't rent parking area. KGU students can rent parking privately near KGU, but it cost to rent parking about 8000yen for a month. KGU students can't go to KGU by car. So Saki, Yui and Shiori advised increasing parking area near KGU, but there are no space near KGU. So they advised making sky park. It is unique idea, but I disagree with the idea, because the sky park will cost a great deal. They said "The cost to building a sky park use a part of school expenses, and KGU students who use a sky parking have to pay 5000yen for a month." It is a good idea. If the sky park is built, many KGU students will be able to go to KGU by car. But it takes many hours to building sky park. We can't use sky park soon. Sky parking is good and unique idea, but I disagree with the idea. I was glad to discuss with Saki, Yui and Shiori and hear their idea.

204 words

2 件のコメント:

harattyo さんのコメント...

This is first time!!!
I often visit your blog!!!
Have a good your holiday !!!

kumamizuotoko さんのコメント...

Thanks for posting about the other group's ideas and your disagreement.

4 APs!

Mr. W.